Training of Potential Entrepreneurs
Receive 64 hours training
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The SIYB program is a system of inter-related training packages and supporting materials for small-scale entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses. It aims at increasing the viability of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) through management principles suitable for the environment of developing countries. The ILO assists Business Development Service (BDS) organizations to develop the skills required to implement, monitor, manage and finance the training program, and sets up a sustainable training system at the national level, thus contributing to sustainable economic growth and employment generation.
SIYB Training of Potential Entrepreneurs helps individuals or group of people to generate business ideas and start businesses.
SIYB Training of Potential Entrepreneurs are consist of two separate training packages:
Generate Your Business Idea (GYB) is a training program for people who want to start a business but are not sure of the business idea to pursue. It assists potential entrepreneurs to identify different business ideas, to analyze them and select the most promising one. GYB complements ILO’s Start Your Business (SYB) training program as a potential entrepreneur needs to have a clear idea of the business they propose to start. The GYB training course lasts approximately two-three days. The training uses an active, problem-centered learning approach that explores the individual entrepreneurial potential, desire, and needs through, for example, short cases and graphic illustrations.
When you have completed this training, you should be able to:
• Assess whether or not you have the basic requirements needed to be a successful entrepreneur
• Clearly explain any business idea that comes to your mind
• Identify potential sources of business ideas and create an idealist
• Shortlist and then select the best idea to pursue in order to start your own business
Start Your Business (SYB) is a training program for potential entrepreneurs who have a feasible business idea for their own small enterprise. The training helps in developing a detailed business plan and to actually get started. The training also provides an opportunity to test the required entrepreneurial skills and the business plan in a simulated and safe environment. The SYB training course usually delivered in five days using the SYB manual and business plan booklet. The training uses an active, problem-centered learning approach which builds on what the potential entrepreneur already knows. It challenges the entrepreneur by introducing new market dynamics through, for example, short cases and graphic illustrations.
When you have completed this training, you should be able to:
• Describe the content of a Business Plan
• Consolidate your business idea
• Translate your business idea into a completed Business Plan
• Assess your readiness for starting a business