PMP® - Prep
Project Management Professional®
Exam Preparation
Receive 35+ hours training
Join 1 Million PMPs accros the world
Based on PMBOK® Seventh Edition
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PMI's® Project Management Professional (PMP)® credential is the most important industry-recognized certification for project managers. Globally recognized and demanded, the PMP® demonstrates that you have the experience, education and competency to lead and direct projects.
Our PMP® Preparation course is best combination of in-off class learning, where we combine physical class training with best online material, every participant is entitled to access our best of the industry training material both in class and on-the-go through their mobile devices.
We are partnering with global leaders in online PMP trainings and provide 3 months' online access to PMP® preparation material including but not limited to mockup exams, glossary, explanations to questions, learning assessments, 3000+ Qs and many others.
PMP exam preparation training program contents are developed by PMI and they are provided under the license of PMI, which ensures that you are learning through the best material available in the market. Also our PMP exam preparation instructors/ facilitators are PMI-PMP instructor's, are qualified and experienced in project management practice and training. We are also proud of the fact that a large number of PMP certified professionals in the country have trusted us with their training needs and have successfully passed their PMP
Why PMP?
• The PMP® delivers value far into your career so it's worth the time, money, and investment.
• The PMP® proves you have the specific skills and experience employers want.
• PMP® certification holders report earning up to 25% more than non-certified project management professionals.
• It delivers real value in the form of professional credibility, deep knowledge, and increased earning potential.
Who should take this PMP course?
The PMP certification is an essential professional requirement for senior project manager roles across all industries. The course is best suited for:
Project Managers
Associate/Assistant Project Managers
Team Leads/Team Managers
Project Executives/Project Engineers
Software Developers
Any professional aspiring to be a Project Manager
to get more information about the course
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