220-Hour Master TEFL
For all those who are looking for something special, something extraordinary, look no further. Our accredited, 220-hour online master TEFL certification is what you, most likely, are looking for. It’s a teacher-guided learning program. It’s primarily designed for those people who wish to study an internationally accredited TEFL/TESOL course but have time and/or budget constraints that don’t allow them to attend one of our training centers.
As it is a teacher guided TEFL/TESOL course, there is virtual classroom attendance. The practicum occurs online with international EFL students. You will also see actual EFL classes taught by your teacher and through videos.
Who can attend
TESOL and Specialization Certification Holder
220 hours
By the end of the course, you will have been able to:
gain knowledge about past and current EFL teaching.
learn how to effectively organize and manage an English class.
acquire how to teach different types of students.
learn how to make efficient use of technology in your class.
understand what is going on inside your English language learners.
become an expert in language skill development.
learn how to correct spoken and written errors.
deal with different assessment strategies to achieve accuracy and fluency at the same time.
teach at least six live EFL classes in a virtual classroom.
understand how to design business courses and materials.
learn how to conduct business English classes.
consider the differences between the adult and the young learner instruction.
Master TEFL Booklet
Selected materials from TESOL Association & EFL
Online / Onsite